You will be paid a monthly salary from your employing university or school. The salary should be sufficient to cover living expenses in your Asian country and, in many cases, enables a teacher to save, travel, pay on student loans, etc.
In most cases, your university or school will provide you with a basic furnished apartment, often on campus, or provide a stipend to cover rent and utilities.
For most university teachers and many other teachers, return airfare is provided upon completion of a one year contract.
If you teach in a university, our Asian hosts usually provide basic medical care. Additional insurance for North Americans living abroad is recommended and E2 will help you discover available options.
Teachers are typically sent in pairs to serve with a like-minded team living in or near your city. This will provide field support, encouragement, supervision and accountability while serving. Of course, E2 will continue to communicate, follow-up and network with its teachers on the field.
Once you're on the ground, our office will serve as a resource for administrative matters such as receiving and distributing financial support that you may raise, assistance with negotiating future contracts, providing travel recommendations and more.
Required training is provided for all future teachers on key aspects of culture, living abroad, teaching principles, team dynamics, company goals and more. Ideally, this should begin at least six months prior to your departure.
In addition to the school providing some required curriculum resources, E2 provides our teachers with resources specifically designed for our teaching programs to ensure that you will be able to deliver excellent instruction and have a positive experience.